Marlow Bottom Christmas Festival

Marlow Bottom is SPARKLING!

Take a Winter wander or a dazzling drive through the village day or night to see the festive displays!

Search for letters and spell out a festive phrase to be entered into a prize draw!

Maps are £2 and can be bought from, Tin Town, Da Luca and Rebellion.  If you request one via email, please check your junk folder if you don’t see it in your inbox. Donations can be made using the button below or by clicking here.

What happens to the donations?

Donations will be split equally between Marlow Bottom Pre-school CIO, Marlow Bottom Playing Fields and Lantern Church (Marlow Parish) (after deduction of expenses). Friends of Burford are supporting the organisation of this event, but due to the success of the Scarecrow Trail, won’t be claiming any funds from this initiative.

Who are we?

The Marlow Bottom Christmas Festival is being organised by four local charities who wanted to bring the community together and make it a joint effort to bring some sparkle to Marlow Bottom while raising funds during these challenging times. Details of the charities are below:

Marlow Bottom Pre-School CIO

Charity no: 1155265

Marlow Bottom Pre-School CIO is a popular and successful pre-school in the heart of the community of Marlow Bottom, catering for the needs of children between 2 and 5 years of age. We provide a happy, warm and friendly environment where children can thrive and learn under the supervision of trained, caring and competent staff.

Our aim is to advance the development and education of pre-school children; to encourage their independence and self-confidence through the provision of equal learning opportunities within a safe and caring environment.

Our usual fundraising initiatives have been greatly affected by the current situation, so our committee are constantly coming up with ideas to ensure we are able to continue to raise funds.

Marlow Bottom Playing Fields

Charity no: 271046

The Marlow Bottom Playing Fields Management Committee is a charity run by a small group of local volunteers to maintain and invest in the facilities offered at the Playing Fields. We have clear obligations to ensure the facility is accessible and safe to use by our community – this includes insurance, grass cutting, security contract and maintenance of the site and equipment. 

Additionally, our aim is to enhance the facility to ensure it can continue to be enjoyed and remains appropriate to our valley demographic. Our activities are funded by Rock Bottom and the Marlow Bottom Fireworks, neither of which were able to take place in 2020, but we plan to be back next year with Rock Bottom in June as usual. 

Lantern Church (Marlow Parish)

Charity no: 1130498

We are one church community of all ages, with a vibrant, dynamic, worshipping heart, reaching out with the love of Christ to all ages in Marlow Bottom and beyond.

We work in close partnership with Marlow Bottom Methodist church and the Lantern is an expression of that, bringing together old and young, those with a strong faith and those who are just beginning.

Friends of Burford

Charity no: 1154863

Friends of Burford (FOB) is a group of parents with children at Burford school, a welcoming and inclusive school set in the heart of the local community, who organise events to help raise much needed funds for the school. We aim to raise at least £12, 000 per year to fund the school’s IT provision and other major projects.

Our event line up has changed somewhat this academic year, but so far, we have organised the incredibly successful 1st Annual Scarecrow Festival in Marlow Bottom.  Coming up for the rest of 2020 we have our Happy Bag Collection, Christmas auction and a Reindeer Race along with our ‘always on’ fundraisers, Wycombe Lottery and Amazon Smile. For 2021 we will be introducing some new ‘Covid friendly’ events that we hope both parents and the community will enjoy.

N.B. Friends of Burford are supporting the organisation of this event, but due to the success of the Scarecrow Trail, won’t be claiming any funds from this initiative.